Today's Question:  What does your personal desk look like?        GIVE A SHOUT


  System programming is still there

System programming is the practice of writing system software. System software lives at a low level, interfacing directly with the kernel and core system libraries. Your shell and your text editor, your compiler and your debugger, your core utilities and system daemons are all system software. But so are the network server, the web server, and the database. These components are entirely system software, primarily if not exclusively interfacing with the kernel and the C library. But nowadays more...

   System programming     2014-02-27 05:46:48

  Lossless and Transparency Encoding in WebP

In September 2010 we announced the WebP image format with lossy compression. WebP was proposed as an alternative to JPEG, with 25–34% better compression compared to JPEG images at equivalent SSIM index. We received lots of feedback, and have been busy improving the format.Last month we announced WebP support for animation, ICC profile, XMP metadata and tiling. Today, we introduce a new mode in WebP to compress images losslessly, and support for transparency â€...

   Google,WebP,Image,Compress, Lossless compression,Transparency     2011-11-18 08:48:33

  Chrome’s WebRTC roadmap

Last January, Chrome was the first major browser to preview WebRTC, HTML5's new real time audio and video stack. Since then, we've been hard at work keeping up with the evolving specification, fixing bugs and listening to the web community’s feedback. The main parts of the WebRTC specification are now stable and are coming soon to all 200M+ Chrome users. With this blog post, we want to help developers plan for what will be introduced in this first stable release later this year. ...

   WebRTC,Google,Open source,Roadmap     2012-04-12 10:27:51

  Understand more about Go basics with one interview question

First, let's take a look at below Go interview question: package main const s = "" // len(s) == 9 // 1 << 9 == 512 // 512 / 128 == 4 var a byte = 1 << len(s) / 128 var b byte = 1 << len(s[:]) / 128 func main() { println(a, b) } What would be the output in your mind? The output would be 4 0. Surprising? Before getting to the output values, some concepts in Go need to be introduced and explained in more detail. len()  len() is a built-in function in Go to get t...

   GOLANG,CONSTANT,SHIFT OPERATION,LEN()     2020-10-10 02:52:19

  Kubernetes Authentication & Authorization 101

If we want to build a system with user modules, Authentication and Authorization are something that we can never ignore, though they could be fuzzy to understand. Authentication (from Greek: αὐθεντικÏŒς authentikos, “real, genuine”, from αὐθέντης authentes, “author”) is the act of proving an assertion, such as the identity of a computer s...


  HTML5 Drag and Drop Upload and File API Tutorial

Update #3: Using the techniques outlined in this article I have rolled out and initial release of free to download the JS source (it is heavily commented) and take a look at how it was rolled out. Unfortunately the required File API support is only in Chrome and Firefox currently, Safari gets it in version 6, Opera possibly in version 11 and possibly IE 10 (9 has no support).IntroductionOver the last day I’ve been trying to learn how to use the new HTML5 D...

   HTML5,Drag and drop,DnD,File API,Tutorial,Coding     2011-10-29 13:47:14

  When to use STDERR instead of STDOUT

Every process is initialized with three open file descriptors, stdin, stdout, and stderr. stdin is an abstraction for accepting input (from the keyboard or from pipes) and stdout is an abstraction for giving output (to a file, to a pipe, to a console). That's a very simplified explanation but true nonetheless. Those three file descriptors are collectively called 'The Standard Streams'. Where does stderr come from? It's fairly straightforward to understand why stdin and stdout exist, however ...

   UNIX,STDERR,STDOUT,Difference     2012-01-14 12:07:43

  PHP to get access token for Sina Weibo app

Previously I wrote two articles about getting access token for Facebook and Twitter apps using PHP. Today I will write one more article about getting access token for Sina Weibo app using PHP. OAuth 2.0 is now the authorization mechanism of Sina Weibo API. The API authorization process is similar to the process of Twitter. It has basically two steps: 1. Authorization; 2. Get access token. 1. Create an app. I hope you know how to create an app in Sina Weibo now. If not. You can access this page ...

   PHP,access token,Sina Weibo     2013-05-16 12:07:39

  The evolving history of asynchronous operation in JavaScript

JavaScript is single threaded, it means there would be only one task running at any point of time. But this would slow down the overall program execution if there is long running task, hence asynchronous task execution is desired in complex cases. To achieve asynchronous task execution, there are a few options introduced in JavaScript. setTimeout/setInterval Event Promise Async/Await setTimeout/setInterval is one of the first mechanisms introduced in JavaScript to simulate asynchronous operati...

   JAVASCRIPT,ASYNC,PROMISE,AWAIT     2019-11-09 08:21:56

  A trick of building multithreaded application on Solaris

Firstly, Let’s see a simple multithreaded application: #include <stdio.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <errno.h> void *thread1_func(void *p_arg) { errno = 0; sleep(3); errno = 1; printf("%s exit, errno is %d\n", (char*)p_arg, errno); } void *thread2_func(void *p_arg) { errno = 0; sleep(5); printf("%s exit, errno is %d\n", (char*)p_arg, errno); } int main(void) { pthread_t t1, t2; ...

   C, Solaris     2014-10-14 02:59:40